Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Inner Peace


When Comes the Peace

We can do it...

Jan 23, 2012

Saying For Today: Then, there's an opening to see freshly what we couldn't see before, to feel freshly what we couldn't feel before.


An Interspiritual-Interfaith Work
of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

All is welcome here...


*Van-gogh-vincent-poppies, Sheltercrow, Flickr

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

Unfurl the sizeless magnitude of the pure untainted heart. Stand firm in limitless, uncontainable, unshakable peace. Flow freely with the simplicity of a human life, as life itself. ♥

*Christine Wushke

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... WE
IT ... ♥

Men must live and create;
live to the point of tears.

*Albert Camus

Stop trying to create the life you think you want, that's other than the life you have. Stop using the word "God" or "faith" or whatever, to refuse to see the face life is showing you. How can we know life, the glory of life, if we're in a fantasy that we can improve on life itself? I'm not teaching escape from life, I'm not offering that miserable, desperate denial. You'll never know life, until you stop resisting it, fighting it, refusing to allow it to show itself as it is. The struggle is a way of keeping a veil over the face of life. So, when are we going to relax and stop all the clever bypassing - spirituality, relationship, religion, meditation, money, ...? There are many subtle ways to resist life, to try to outsmart life. Yet, underneath so much of the popular bypassing is this - persons think they can improve on life, so they don't trust it. When will we stop that? When will we stop this blaming life? And what's the purpose of meditation? Well, it's to disarm all that struggle. Really, meditation is a practice in stopping the futile denial of life, the denial that led you into meditation. Then, you realize that's another technique of denial, but it was meant to lead you to see the futility of the resistance, so you can welcome life. Then, you might just sit, relax, and be quiet - but, your meditation will be a celebration of life, your life. You'll no longer be struggling to meditate, as you struggled with life. Even if we get what we think we want, the life we think we want, if we're not seeing and allowing life now, the life we think we want will not fulfill us, and likely we'll just screw that up, also. So, we can stop it, and say "Yes." Then, there's an opening to see freshly what we couldn't see before, to feel freshly what we couldn't feel before. And, here, I'm not speaking of circumstances, I'm not teaching not to put forth effort to better your life circumstances. I'm speaking of life itself. But, again, if you think you can improve on life by improving your life circumstances, you'll keep denying life, regardless of how you improve the circumstances.


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The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti OM

ŠArem Nahariim-Samadhi, 1.23.12. Arem can be contacted at 77ahavah77@gmail.com .


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Inner Peace

©Brian Wilcox 2024